Feedback from my participants of a webinar in June 2020
„The host was very engaged and did a great job to provide an interactive seminar despite the fact that it was a remoteseminar. I especially liked the surprise talk we had to give at the end“
„Very practical approach that was centered on personal feedback. Personal video training. Easy to follow and clear structure of the overall session and themes.“
„Through partner and group discussions as well as practical exercises, the whole session was very lively, which I very much liked.“
„Tipps about the use of pauses. Practical exercises. Nice and open atmosphere.“
„The process of identifying what one does well and what can/should be improved.„
„Reviewing the short spontaneous presentations that were recorded. Also the fact that Steve addressed all of our questions we sent him in advance and that the meeting was very well structured.“
Max Planck Institute for Human Development
„The LIFE fellows’ feedback about this (Mr. Weir’s) training component has been consistently enthusiastic. Recently, two of our fellows received excellent presentation awards in the context of international conferences, and both explicitly thanked Mr. Weir for his excellent training. Accordingly, we look very much forward continuing our collaboration with Mr. Weir and recommend him as presentation coach wholeheartedly.“
Dr. Imke Kruse, Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
„Having worked with Steve Weir for a longer period of time I wholeheartedly commend him as a coach and trainer. Amongst Steve’s multiple talents I have come to appreciate especially his analytical skills, his gentle but persistent focus, his breadth of creative ideas and his deep wisdom. Steve has a true gift to infuse trust, motivate you to reflect on your leadership behavior and guide you towards sustainable change. It has been extremely rewarding both from a professional and a personal perspective to work with Steve.“
Markus Reuss, Head of GCPD Operations, Bayer AG
Outstanding and absolutely recommendable.
„I have been working with Steve for more than 5 years. My students are always satisfied and especially praise his ability to adapt his workshops to the needs and wishes of the participants. Not only can I highly recommend his workshops for students, but I myself benefitted immensely from his team building activities. I implement his advice in my daily work.“
Anja Peters (Senior Manager Master Programs at Center for Global Politics/ Freie Universität Berlin)
„Steve Weir was very responsive to my needs as coachée. The coaching relationship proved to be a very trusted one. Steve is positive and motivating while staying objective and realistic. He grasps complex business and interpersonal challenges well and is able to provide valuable insights and suggestions to help move processes forward. He is solution-focused, competent, structured and well-prepared for coaching sessions. It was a pleasure to work with him.“
Dr. Konstanze Diefenbach, Head Drug Discovery Operations, Bayer AG
„It should be mentioned here that Mr. Weir has a rare and special talent: He is able to combine the linguistic aspects of his teaching with key psychological and motivational factors in a way that the level of success in his seminars is not only guaranteed – the effect is of a durable nature…The high caliber of his work is consistently confirmed by participant feedback over the years.“
Ronald-Martyn Pickup, Bayer Business Services GmbH, Competence Training & Development
„Herr Weir hat ein ausgesprochenes Talent, Sachverhalt professionell, d.h. verständlich, anschaulich und klar strukturiert zu präsentieren. Gleichzeitig gelingt es ihn, durch seine überaus positive Ausstrahlung sein Publikum zu gewinnen. Für die Tätigkeit als Rhethorik-Trainer kann ich Herrn Weir wärmstens empfehlen.“
Dr. Joachim Stary, Arbeitstelle Hochschuldidaktische Fortbildung und Beratung, Freie Universität Berlin
„Ich wünsche Herrn Weir für seinen weiteren beruflichen Weg viel Erfolg und kann ihn als Englischlehrer und Kommunikationstrainer jederzeit empfehlen.“
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt, Produzent und Mitglied des Vorstands von Axel Springer Verlag
„Ich bin von den Ergebnissen seiner professionellen Unterrichtsmethode sehr überzeugt. Von den positiven Auswirkungen seines Unterrichts auf meinen beruflichen Alltag bin ich ausgesprochen beeindruckt. Aus dem oben genannten Gründen kann ich Herrn Weir als äußerst kompetenten Lehrer und Coach uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.“
PD Dr. med. Johannes Lampe, Director, Global Clinical Development Specialized Therapeutics Bayer HealthCare
„Steve hat eine humorvolle und geduldige Art, sein coaching zu gestalten. Er ging insbesondere immer auf meine aktuelle Wünsche ein und passte sich flexibel den augenblicklichen Situationen an. Steve begreift auch komplexe Problematiken relative schnell und trägt seine Ideen in einem sehr akzeptierenden Maße vor. Seine Überlegungen waren durchweg sehr ausgereift und halfen mir in manchen Besprechungen mit englischsprachigen Managern perfekt weiter.“
Dr. Andre Warner, Bereichsleiter Projektconsulting in der PSI Information Management GmbH, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der PSI AG
„I highly recommend Steve Weir as a trainer – not only is he professional, knowledgeable and well prepared but also able to address the individual needs and styles of his students – they love him!“
Katherine De Fontaine, Director of Training Europe & MEA, Kempinski Hotels S.A.
„Dabei ist besonders bemerkenswert, das es ihm gelingt, nicht nur technische Fähigkeit zu vermitteln, sondern auch anwendbare Persöhnlichkeitsmittel für die Bewältigung komplexer Herausforderungen bei Führungs- und Konfliktsituationen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich teile diese Ansicht mit vielen Kollegen, die ebenfalls einen Unterricht bei Herrn Weir genossen haben, und kann diesen vorbehaltlos empfehlen.“
Dr. Christoph Pohl, Global Medical Development, Schering AG
„Die hohe Qualität der Vermittlung von Inhalten, die weit über eine normale Fortbildung hinausreichende Anleitung zur persönlichen und beruflichen Zielsetzung (coaching im umfassenden Sinne) und die Motivation, die noch lange nach den Fortbildung anhält, zeichen die Arbeit von Steve Weir aus.“
Dr. Elisabeth Ziemer, Burgermeisterin, Bezirksamt Tempelhof-Schöneberg von Berlin
„All in all, our impression of Mr. Weir’s teaching methods and style (as a teacher trainer) has been a most favourable one. He has received an enthusiastic welcome and response from the audience and we can highly recommend his work.”
Dr. Reinhold Wandel, Hochschuldozent, Otto-Von-Guerke-Universität Magdeburg
„Mr. Weir is an exceptionally competent and motivating coach and we can strongly recommend him for seminars in the field of presentation skills for scientists. All of our participants were very enthusiastic about his coaching and were substantially trained, employing a variety of techniques and methods offered in his seminar. As a result of this process, all of participants had success giving English presentations at international conferences and at the final conference of the DFG Graduate School.“
Stefanie Viel, DFG Graduate School, Universität Hildesheim