A speciality of mine is designing seminars where participants get to relax from their busy lives and get in touch with their own creativity. I have run about 80 „Mystery Weekends“, starting in 3 castles and palaces near Berlin. The participants were given a new identity, in advance, and had come to the seminar dressed in costume and ready to solve a murder mystery – only to discover that they themselves were directly involved in the crime! These events are normally live-ins, but I do offer mini-one-day-versions. Some other themes have been: adventure, intuition, travel, theatre, „the Royals“, „Life Mapping“, Buddhism, dreams, Memory, Concentration, „Aging Well“, philosophy, art, nature, Music, movies, etc..

Here are some impressions of „Living English Communication“ 22-26.04.2024, GSI Bad Bevensen

Here you can find the feedback evaluation with insights from the participants:
PDF Feedback Evaluation


An alternative to „Mystery Weekends“ are creative „Bildungsurlaub“ weeks at centers such as the GSI Bad Bevensen (https://gsi-bevensen.de/en/) from which these two films have been taken. All of the workshops are held in the English language and provide participants an excellent way to practice using their English while have a marvellous, fun time together with others from around Germany and Europe.